US News & World Report has an article to help determine if you are middldle class. In it, we learn that the middle-class task force headed by Vice President Joe Biden found the median two-parent family spends $5,100 per year on health insurance and non-covered health expenses.
The Health Care Reform Bill which became law this week will give a tax credit to those middle-class families who earn $81,000 a year (the median according to the article above) to ensure that they pay no more than $7,695 in premiums. Those families that fail to purchase insurance will be assessed a fine of around $2,000.
So the shell game in Washington is to rally the base talking about out of control healthcare costs, mandate that middle class families must by insurance or pay a fine and then only ensure that premiums will be no more than $2,500 more than current levels.
Contact your representatives! We need a government takeover of math education!