Thursday, December 13, 2007

Unwanted Publicity

Many say even bad publicity is good publicity. I think I have found an exception.

In the previous post I wrote about the websites of many CPA firms. Often you see these firms attempt to link themselves to other sites to direct traffic and create a 'buzz'. The Georgia Department of Revenue's website has a link about a former payroll provider in the state. From the 'Withholding Taxes' tab under business taxes you have a link labeled 'Information for Businesses Using 20/20 Payroll Solutions, Inc.'

Talk about your bad publicity! It provides information about the alleged theft of company payroll taxes withheld, the need to contact the Cobb County Investigator and most importantly businesses who have been victimized are still ultimately responsible for paying the state withholding tax liability.

That's right. Companies are always responsible for paying the government regardless of whether one of your own employees or an outsourced third party stole from you. That's something to think about when hiring accounting personnel or engaging in accounting, tax or payroll services. Company ownership and management can never shirk its responsibility to make sure things are done right.

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