Sunday, February 24, 2008

The GREAT Plan; Back from the Dead

I'm not even sure what to make of this at this point. Glenn Richardson in my opinion is the biggest pain in the neck in the state of Georgia. He proposes a tax plan claiming to be revenue neutral to get ri of certain property taxes. The plan looks anything but revenue neutral as proposed and appears to have next to no support. Then it starts looking like the littel engine that could after passing a House subcommittee.

The final statement of the AJC report makes it look like this bill is heading for either a backroom deal or for Richardson to bully his way to passage.

However, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, the Senate's president, has for months criticized Richardson's proposal to swap property taxes for charging a sales tax on more goods and services.

Also, the Senate's Republican leadership generally follows Gov. Sonny Perdue's lead on legislation, and he too opposes Richardson's plan.

Stay tuned. Apparently, this isn't going away quietly.

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